About This Game Wooden Floor is a first person adventure horror game inside an old house that seems normal but the further you progress into the game you start to realize that rooms change if you close a door behind you and whole corridors appear out of nowhere. Not being able to predict what is going to happen next or where you are heading for you need to make your way through the increasingly maze-like becoming house to find a way out of this bad dream that you just woke up into. The only thing that goes with you is the wooden floor underneath your feet. Gameplay Features: Level Streaming -> changing, appearing/disappearing, rotating rooms, corridors and objects Unreal Engine 3 graphics (UDK) Maze-like becoming house and environment (expanding environment) Puzzle Elements (Keys, Collecting and some Jump 'n' Run or Platforming) Adequate Scares (no screamers) 7aa9394dea Title: Wooden FloorGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:pheenix93Publisher:pheenix93Release Date: 13 Feb, 2015 Wooden Floor Download Utorrent Windows 7 wooden flooring interest free credit. wood floor 07036. wooden floor vacuum. wooden floor name. wooden flooring price. wooden floor air vents. wooden floor final walkthrough. wooden floor pc. free old wooden floor texture. wooden floor installation cost. wooden floor for stairs. wooden floor broom. wooden floor treatment. free vector wooden floor. wooden floor diy. wooden floor prices. wooden floor options. wooden floor length mirror. wood floor fixing kit. wooden floor nairaland. pc spiel wooden floor. wooden floor for bathroom. hardwood floor install over wood. wood floors 78238. wooden floor maintenance. hardwood floor install and refinishing. wooden floor oak. wooden floor oil. wooden floor sims 4. wooden floor entrance hall. hardwood floor install near me. wooden floor dimensions. wood floor yellowing. wooden floor quetta. wood floor yurt. wood flooring 77034. wooden floor rug. wood floor tiles zimbabwe. wooden floor texture seamless. wooden floor installation price. hardwood floor install crawl space. wood floor 90 degree turn. wooden floor wallpaper. wooden floor light. wooden floor map. wooden floor or tiles. wooden floor deals. hardwood floor install first row. wooden floor easel by artist's loft. hardwood floor install glue. wood floor crack sealant. wooden floor tiles for living room. hardwood floor install on concrete. wooden floor vent deflector. wooden floor restoration. hardwood floor hacks. wooden floor estimate. wooden floor gap filler. wooden floor replacement cost. sweet home 3d wooden floor texture. hardwood floor exercises. wooden floor lamp 3d model. wooden floor new zealand. wooden floor wax. wooden floor ark. engineered wood floor 8mm. wooden floor steam cleaner. wooden floor shiner. wooden floor thickness. portable wooden floor. hardwood floor install gaps. wooden floor 3d design. wooden floor pictures. wooden floor india. wooden flooring free quote. wood floor patch filler quality game bruv. Horror games these days are in no short supply, especially in the indie department, so it's always a gamble on whether you're going to get a decent, entertaining game, or another cheap cash-grab piece of trash. Luckily, Wooden Floor is more on the decent side of things. It looks good, the atmosphere is pretty well done, the sound is great, the mechanics work well enough. There was one or two parts that frustrated me a little bit, but every obstacle and puzzle within the game is pretty easy to figure out and overcome on your own. The story, while being incredibly vague and very non-specific, is interesting. It feels fresh for this kind of game, which I definitely appreciate. Hopefully they flesh things out a little more in the second one (I have not played that one at the time of writing this review). $6 isn't a horrible price for the game, but I would recommend trying to get the game when it's on sale. While it is an interesting, and, for the most part, entertaining game, it's VERY short. If you take your sweet time checking out every little detail in the game like I did, you'll complete the game in about an hour. I imagine anyone that doesn't stop and look at everything will finish around 45 minutes or so. But overall, I enjoyed it, and will be getting the second game in the series.. first off I didn't find it scary at all which, while this can be subjective all it contains is buggy levels, a house that tries to eat you, eyes in the corner of dark rooms and random books and chairs floating about, no real monsters. It was lack luster, second of all the game feels bad to play as it is, the FOV feels incredibly low and hurt my eyes after half an hour, the graphics are pretty darn simple and the controls feel sluggish, and all that happens towards the end of it is a mediocre, frustrating boss fight and a sudden endingI didn't like it at all, it's not the absolute worst game I've played but it's not something I'd recommend to anyone else.. I would like to start off by saying that this game is just not good. Story doesnt make any sense at all, theres no run key, and its not even scary. Its more of just suspende than it is scary. Thank god i only paid $2.39 for this game because it is crap.. This is one solid horror indie game that definitely deserves more attention. A good one, I must say, a very good one. The game writing seems like the work of the professional and I haven't encountered any technical issues. The combination of these features is actually pretty uncommon these days.. Its an OK game I think I only paid \u00a32.00 for it in a Steam sale so for this price I would say yeah I recommend it as it has no bugs or issues BUT.There are no Steam achievements I played the whole game in one sitting so I cant say about save game but I dont think there was and no jump scares.I can only recommend this game in a Steam sale for the price I paid I will be giving this game a thumbs up as I mentioned there are no bugs or any issues and I have played worse games than this.. There are certain things that simply make a game unplayable.FPS platforming with impossible movements in the dark is certainly one of them.. Only played for 20 minutes in the dark with headphones.. I was ~just~ creeped out enough that I'd wait for daylight to play it further, I don;t want to get completely creeped out -lol. If you are at all jumpy or yielding to your own imagination this simple idea is quite effective. If you are jaded and not easily swayed move onto something more grand. I have played many games and creatures with big pointy teeth are not as scary as my own psyche. This would be truly frightening if the graphics were as detailed as the audio effects which are just flawlessly executed. So far, I feel this game is something like a creepy Stanley Parable, less the humor; I've spent more money on worse.. INFO: store page says 2 GB disk minimum, 4 GB recommended, but on my system it's only 586 MB after completion.My play time of 4 hours is more than double what the average seems to be, partially from idling and partially because I'm just too slow, too pointlessly exhaustive in wandering/searching, and not least because I'm not that great at certain things like platforming.This almost could have been an *okay*/so-so $2 game, except for a variety of annoyances and flaws that will never get fixed in this 3 year old game, but as is, I regret spending the time on it. If it were a student project maybe it should get an A for effort, but that's not to say it should be *played*, let alone *sold*.Issues start on launch, a slow process where you pick a resolution via a number 1-9. Arrow keys don't work, the mouse doesn't work, and unprofessionally, the selection isn't highlighted after chosen but before you ENTER to confirm. Then there's a screen for gamma selection, then there's an unskippable timed screen telling you to play in a dark room, and then it goes to a menu embedded in a room in the mansion that allows you to start a game or choose a "chapter". Then the game finally starts/restarts.There is no way to go to an options screen. During the game, all you can do to change any of the above is hit escape twice to quit (once just asks if you want to quit). Change resolution? Quit and restart. Accidentally chose wrong chapter? Quit and restart.That's annoying, sloppy, unprofessional, and should have been easy to correct years ago, but it's just a minor annoyance if you only launch once and then play to completion in one sitting.But otherwise, launching gets more annoying each time -- and there's no save nor autosave, so it is then desirable to pick a level to return to. But that's not supported. You can choose to begin on "chapter" 1, the start, illogically labelled "3" in the launcher, or "chapter" 2, the middle of the game more or less, illogically labelled "4" in the launcher, or chapter 3, the end game, illogically labelled "5" in launcher.If you quit 30 minutes into the game and you're still in chapter 1 (as far as you know; you have to guess where you are), too bad, when you restart, all you can do is choose "3" for chapter 1 and then you'll have to replay that 30 minutes.Then there's the game itself, which is an adequate mildly haunted mansion which has small sets of rooms which, instead of just exploring an unchanging 3D floorplan, magically transform into other rooms if you close doors separating them and then jump through a few hoops, while doing a hidden object search for keys to unlock such doors.Meh: A very small number of assets (do I spy the classic Utah Teapot?) is reused again and again and again, which is a creative way to keep project costs down, and it works, but it makes the rooms somewhat monotonous.Okay for some: The hidden object part is mostly ok but mildly annoying at times, especially the final object (key) that moves around while you're looking for it. Maybe some people like that part, but I'm not that big on Hidden Object genre to start with.Okay for some: Then several times some jumping 3D platforming is required, for random variety, which lots of people will perhaps enjoy, but I don't, since I suck at precise jumps in platforming games (oddly, since I jump well in real life).Bad: Then in the end game when I go into one room, having no clue what to do there, I die. I go back, still have no idea what to do and seeing no options to do anything, I die again. And again. And again. Then I give up on that and try the one last room I've never been in, and it says "Oh, you've accepted your fate? You lose, you go straight to hell (a pit of lava)" and the game is over and the credits roll.Now maybe to some people there's some different option for that final step that I didn't spot that allows one to win, but whatever it is, it wasn't obvious to *me*, and I am not even slightly tempted to repeat all of "chapter" 3, a third of the game, to try and see what subtlety I overlooked.So I charitably will give the base haunted mansion 5 out of 10, then I take 2 points off for no save/autosave plus an annoying launcher plus very bad level ("chapter") select mechanism that is far too coarse-grained, then I take off another 3 points for an extremely annoying ending with no obvious options and a need to repeat a third of the game to retry.Which gives a total of 0 out of 10 points. Which maybe is too extreme, so let's say 1 out of 10. Although I could argue that even more points should be lost for never fixing any of the easy stuff. Anyway I want that part of my life back. I'm sorry I ever touched this game.Some people might say 5 out of 10. Your mileage may vary.P.S. I actually bought this game twice; the first time in a Desura bundle and I forgot to activate the key until after Desura died. But that's not the game's fault.
Wooden Floor Download Utorrent Windows 7